UV Analyzer
The function of the UV analyser is based on the measurement of an integrated spectrometer in the spectral range of ultraviolet radiation of 180 to 400 nm. Fundamentally, the device is composed of light source, measuring cell and spectrometer which are interconnected via the optical path. The emitted radiation is absorbed partly by the process gas in the measuring cell and detected by a spectrometer afterwards. By using a chemometric model the gas component as well as the concentration can be determined. Because of the modular design, there is the possibility for application of different spectrometers for adaptation to variable requirements.
Applications and Solutions:
- √ Cold gas UV analyzer
The UV analyser can be used for monitoring of e.g. NO, NO2 , SO2 and O2 in incineration plants as well as for process measurements in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. This analyser is based on a spectrometer and measures all UV absorbing gas components. The applied Xenon flash light is characterised by a 2 to 3 times higher lifetime compared to other light sources. The integrated electrochemical cell serves the oxygen measurement.
√ Hot gas UV analyzer
The UV analyzer can be used for monitoring of e.g. NO, NO2 , NH3 , SO2, H2S, CS2, COS, CL2 and O2 in incineration plants as well as for process measurements in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. This analyzer is based on a heated spectrometer and measures all UV absorbing gas components. An ejector supplies the sample gas. Due to the heated measuring cell (200 °C) an elaborate gas conditioning is not required. The applied Xenon flash light is characterised by a 2 to 3 times higher lifetime compared to other light sources.
Typical applications are:
- Delta CO (carbon monoxide) measurements for monitoring smouldering fire, e. g. in coal mills, coal silos or baghouse filters
- Delta NO (nitric oxide) measurements for denitrification plants control
- NH3 (ammonia) latency measurements at SCR / SNCR systems
- HCl (hydrogen chloride)- and SO2 (sulphur dioxide) measurements in the raw gas for the flue gas cleaning systems / desulphurisation plants control

NDUV Gas Analysis

DOAS Gas Analysis