Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
The Thermo FID is applied in a variety of applications in all kind of industries, environmental protection and as well for research and development. The implementations reach from an LEL-control, over emission and immission control to analytical exhaust control for the chemical industry and in the field of engine-development. Furthermore there is process optimization and the FID is also used in the field of analytical control of TLV- and TRC- values.
Typical applications are:
√ Continuous analysis of Total Hydrocarbons (THC/VOC), eg. at:
√ Emission monitoring
√ Safety monitoring LEL
√ VOC monitoring
√ Scrubber efficiency
√ Process gas analysis Leak detection
√ Solvent recovery
√ Abatement equipment
√ Carbon absorbers
√ Coating process control Monitoring of purity in O2 , N2 , Ar, H2 , CO2